Group News

The European Union has now adopted The Eighth European Parliament and Council Directive on Summer Time Arrangements in which it states that summer (or daylight saving) time will be kept between the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. The changes will take place at 1am GMT. The dates are

  2011 March 27 to October 30

These dates have since been confirmed by the UK Parliament for the UK and Northern Ireland.


Allday PalmReader 1000 released

September 2010

The Ultimate Biometric Identification solution for under £20 per week incorporating Fujitsu Palm Secure reading technology offering optimum levels of security. Contact our sales team for further details or purchase price.

The Allday PalmReader terminal works by detecting the structure of the pattern of veins inside the palm of the human hand. This contact-less, hygienic system offers maximum security as well as maximum precision.

LTR Time Recorders Join Allday Time Systems Ltd

November 2010

Allday Time Systems Ltd acquire LTR Time Recorders

Formally Leicester Time Recorders . LTR Time Recorders have a long history in time and attendance systems and operates on a national basis with diverse range of customers from very small to very large. All customers are welcomed to the Allday Time Systems family and are assured they will continue to receive the same excellent customer service expected.

Mainbell Time Recorders Join Allday Time Systems Ltd


November 2010


Allday Time Systems Ltd acquire Mainbell

Mainbell operating from the Southampton area with a national coverage specialise in rental and maintenance of both traditional and pc linked Attendance systems and focus on national multi site contracts between 30 and 600 sites. All customers are welcomed to the Allday Time Systems family and are assured they will continue to receive the same excellent customer service expected.

Allday Time Manager 64 bit


March 2010

Allday Time manager software now available as both 32 bit or 64 bit version at no additional cost.

Central Time Services Ltd join Allday Time Systems Ltd

October 2009

Allday Time Systems Ltd acquire Central Time Services Ltd.

Central Time Services Ltd have a customer base centered around Nottingham and have a history of 20+ years

ARX 2 entry level biometric system upgraded to ARX 3

September 2009
Allday Time Systems Ltd  announce the upgrade of the successfull ARX 2 system to the new enhanced ARX 3 system additional functionality includes new proximity hardware, improved biometric identification, data download via usb connection to pc or use of usb memory stick. More Details 

ESP added to Allday Time Manager

August 2009
Allday Time Systems announce the inclusion of ESP (Employee Status Pannel) with Allday Time Manager. ESP gives you a neer live data feed to your desktop informing you of the current situation as it changes regarding the in/out status of your employee workforce informing you also who is not in when they should be, and even who is in and should not be. All with enhanced reporting. More Details

Flexitime module now available for Allday Time Manager system


February 2009

 Allday Time Systems Ltd announce the inclusion of fully featured Flexitime with Allday Time Manager system. This includes live online terminals with self service facility, enabling the viewing of absence holiday data , holiday approvals, hours totals previous clocking data can all be viewed at the terminal without the need to bother the HR department. More Details.

Allday Time Manager Advanced Time Attendance system released


September 2008

Allday Time systems release Allday Time Manager. This is an advanced time attendance system developed by Allday Time Systems Ltd utilising the latest develpoment tools and offering many new features to the market. More Details