Payroll Link

Many companies who run their own in house payroll and may be using such packages as Sage Payroll or Pegasus Opera etc, would benefit from a PC Linked Swipe Card System. This can then have a link to the payroll so as the weekly or monthly hours totals can be imported from the Attendance Software into the payroll, thus potentially saving hours of re-keying all this data.sage payroll link for attendance data









Alternatively several other options are available as below:


Alldaypay Payroll Bureau Service.


This service gives you the opportunity to outsource your payroll processing giving you substantial savings on labour and resources.


The service can be taken as a comprehensive one which includes the supply and maintenance of time recording equipment on your site with secure internet access to your employee's clocking records and subsequent payroll processing and payment.

Or can be taken in part.

For further details contact Alldaypay Sales on 01252 544 457